For more information contact us at [email protected]
Need a little fun and excitement in your life? Like to sing in the shower or croon in your car? Ever wonder what it would be like to perform on stage? Whether you found us by accident or are searching for a new singing challenge we are glad you found us.
Southern Accord Chorus is seeking singers who enjoy performing and learning. We invite interested women to come for a visit to our open rehearsals held on Wednesdays. You will have an opportunity to sit in on rehearsals to experience our music and our organization. Please contact us prior to your visit so we can give you other pertinent information about the rehearsal. We do recommend you contact Helen at 403738-4569 or Sylvia at 403-393-4598 or send us an email at [email protected] just to ensure that we are rehearsing and not out performing in the community.
Periodically we offer prospective member group programs where we teach you the basics of our craft. Do you feel you have what it takes to sing with us? Try it out! We love welcoming new members and making beautiful music together!
Photograph by Tony Kok
In simple terms, barbershop harmony is vocal harmony produced in four parts. From highest to lowest they are tenor, lead, baritone and bass. it is different than any other kind of choral group or singing style. Finding the right part for your voice is the initial step. Any woman of average singing abilitiy, with or without vocal training, will find a part that fits her range. It is very important that you are able to carry a tune and hold your part when harmonizing with the other parts.
It has four parts - no more,no less. Barbershop is unlike other forms of singing because you can't do it alone.
Babershop music has a strong bass line and the chording makes the music very recognizable.
All chords must be heard with clarity requiring singers to have a good "ear" and sing precise intervals.
It is challenging to perform because it requires breath management and great vocal skills but is usually sung by amateur singers.
Energy and physical involvement are requried from the singer in a degree of intensity not usually found in other choral forms
It is emotionally satisfying to both the listener and the performer.